LCSA Neighbourhood Centre Policy 2003

This paper documents the history, philosophy, activities and structures of Neighbourhood Centres. It uses ‘Neighbourhood Centres’ to refer to organisations which may have a variety of names and appearances - Community Centres, Community Development Projects, Local Development Projects, Community Aid Centres, Neighbourhood Houses, Community Houses, Community Learning Centres, etc.

The LCSA Neighbourhood Centre Policy is the result of distilling the writings about Neighbourhood Centres over many years. It has had comment and feedback from many people. The Policy will change and develop with Neighbourhood Centres.

All Neighbourhood Centres share some common principles and philosophies about their purpose or role. These come under three broad categories:

  1. affirmative action towards disadvantaged people and groups
  2. local participation and control
  3. community development role

Neighbourhood Centres follow these according to the resources and skills they have available.

LCSA Neighbourhood Centre Policy 2003