LCSA Members Forum

LCSA Members Forum
LCSA members are invited to meet together for an online discussion about current topics that are impacting our sector and the local communities we work with throughout NSW.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

The LCSA Members Forum provides an opportunity for staff of neighbourhood & community centres around New South Wales to connect on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss current issues, share information and receive updates on LCSA projects and events.

An agenda for this meeting, including details about guest speakers and topics of discussion will be emailed to LCSA members prior to the date. There is no need to register, simply click on the Zoom link that is provided in the email.

LCSA records each of our online meetings so that members can access and watch later by logging into our website and going to the Video Gallery.

NOTE: This event is restricted to LCSA Members only. A link to join this Zoom meeting will be sent to Members via email prior to the date.

6/08/2024 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Zoom Video Meeting (Online) AUSTRALIA

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